(1)   The state commission on law enforcement and criminal justice (the commission) is by state law required to establish minimum physical, mental, educational and moral qualifications for all members of any reserve force. The commission is also required by state law to establish minimum training standards and be responsible for providing such training for all members of any reserve force.
   (2)   Each member of the reserve force shall receive training through or under the supervision of the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center and shall achieve the minimum training standards prescribed by the commission, all to be done within one year from the date of the member’s appointment by the city council to the reserve force.
   (3)   The city council shall adopt and publish, from time to time, a reserve force manual setting forth the minimum qualifications, training standards, and standard operating procedures for the reserve force and such higher qualifications, standards and operating procedures as may actually be used.
   (4)   No member of the reserve force may carry a weapon or otherwise act as a peace officer until he/she has been approved by the city council. After such approval, a member of the reserve force may carry a weapon only when authorized by the chief of police and only when discharging official duties as a duly constituted peace officer. Except while on duty pursuant to official duty as a peace officer or as otherwise specifically authorized by law, a member of the reserve force shall not carry a weapon.
   (5)   A member of the reserve force shall wear no insignia of rank while serving under the direction of the chief of police and serving with regular police officers.
   (6)   The chief of police shall appoint a regular fulltime police officer as the reserve force coordinating and supervising officer. Such regular fulltime police officer shall report directly to the chief of police.
(Ord. No. 3271, § 1, 4-14-2003)