(A)   For all residential and commercial users, the minimum monthly charge shall be nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents ($19.95) for the first two CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used, plus four dollars and eighty cents ($4.80) for each additional CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used.
   (B)   Effective January 1, 2024, for all residential and commercial users, the minimum monthly charge shall be twenty dollars and ninety cents ($20.90) for the first two CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used, plus five dollars and three cents ($5.03) for each additional CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used.
   (C)   Effective January 1, 2025, for all residential and commercial users, the minimum monthly charge shall be twenty-one dollars and eighty-four cents ($21.84) for the first two CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used, plus five dollars and twenty-six cents ($5.26) for each additional CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used.
   (D)   Effective January 1, 2026, for all residential and commercial users, the minimum monthly charge shall be twenty-two dollars and eighty-two cents ($22.82) for the first two CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used, plus five dollars and fifty cents ($5.50) for each additional CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used.
   (E)   Effective January 1, 2027, for all residential and commercial users, the minimum monthly charge shall be twenty-three dollars and eighty-two cents ($23.82) for the first two CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used, plus five dollars and seventy-four cents ($5.74) for each additional CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used.
   (F)   Effective January I, 2028, for all residential and commercial users, the minimum monthly charge shall be twenty-four dollars and eighty-nine cents ($24.89) for the first two CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used, plus six dollars ($6.00) for each additional CCF (hundred cubic feet) of water used.
(Ord. 2090, § 1, passed 3-26-1979; Ord. 2113, § 1, passed 12-10-1979; Ord. 2353, § 1, passed 4-22-1985; Ord. 2452, §§ 1, 2, passed 3-9-1987; Ord. 2490, § 1, passed 11-23-1987; Ord. 2527, § 1, passed 11-18-1988; Ord. 2603, § 1, passed 12-10-1990; Ord. 2641, § 1, passed 11-12-1991; Ord. 2717, § 1, passed 11-9-1992; Ord. 2791, § 1, passed 1-10-1994; Ord. 3459, § 1, passed 3-24-2008; Ord. 3521, § 1, passed 6-6-2009; Ord. 3554, § 1, passed 12-14-2009; Ord. 3666, § 1, passed 3-12-2012; Ord. 3707, § 1, passed 3-25-2013; Ord. 3797, § 1, passed 1-26-2015; Ord. 3862, § 1, passed 12-12-2016; Ord. 3914, § 1, passed 9-24-2018; Ord. 4138, § 1, passed 9-19-2023)