The decision of the chief building inspector at a hearing on the revocation or suspension of a license under this article, shall be final. In the case of a suspension of a license, the licensee’s time in grade for the particular license shall be suspended for the period of suspension and shall begin accruing again at the end of the suspension. An adverse decision by the chief building inspector may be appealed to the city council by filing with the city clerk within ten (10) days from such decision, a written notice of the intention to appeal and a request for a hearing before the city council. The city council, within 30 days of the filing of such written notice, shall grant a hearing to the party appealing. The revocation or suspension of a license shall not entitle the holder to a refund of any part of the fee which he/she may have paid. If appealed to the city council, the city council may review the evidence and hear testimony on the matter and issue a decision on the record at the hearing regarding its decision on the matter(s) appealed.
(Ord. 4002, § 1, passed 8-18-2020)