§ 28-79 BOND.
   The applicant will, if requested by the city, promptly replace and repair each place cut into any pavement, curb or sidewalk, under such rules as may be prescribed by the city engineer or street superintendent, in as good a condition as before the same was cut; and that the applicant will promptly compensate the city for all work done by the city in replacing or repairing any places cut in any pavement, curb or sidewalk by the applicant; and that the applicant will obey this Code and all other ordinances of the city in doing such work and will save the city harmless from any damage which may occur as a result of either cutting or repairing any pavement curb, or sidewalk; that the applicant will maintain and keep in repair the place where the pavement, curb or sidewalk is cut in good order to the satisfaction of the city and its officers for a period of one year after the completion of the work.
(1964 Code, § 19-43) (Ord. 2377, § 3, passed 8-26-1985)