(A) Any property owner, occupant, tenant, or easement holder, or their agent, desiring a grading permit shall make an application to the Permits and Inspections Department of the city on the forms provided.
(B) Any property owner, occupant, tenant, or easement holder, or their agent, desiring a grading permit shall also submit to the Permits and Inspections Department a completed NDEQ notice of intent/permit application for coverage under the general NPDES construction site stormwater permit. Such permit application shall be made on forms provided by the NDEQ and distributed by the Permits and Inspections Department. The city shall review all such completed applications and then forward the application, with any recommendation, (including the basis therefor) to the NDEQ for approval.
(Ord. 3409, § 1(32-102), passed 7-24-2006)