   (A)   For the purpose of this Article, any person who shall engage in the business of buying, selling or dealing (whether for cash or store credit) in secondhand property is hereby declared and defined to be a DEALER IN SECONDHAND GOODS. The term DEALER OF SECONDHAND GOODS does not include persons conducting a yard sale or garage sale from their residence, nor does it apply to pawnbrokers, whose conduct is regulated by separate city ordinances.
   (B)   For the purpose of this article, SECONDHAND PROPERTY means any previously owned audio-video equipment, audio-video recordings, video games, video game systems, video game accessories, cameras, computer hardware, jewelry, article made of precious metal, precious stone or gem, sporting or athletic gear or equipment, including a bicycle, watch or currency, furniture, wares or merchandise.
(Ord. 3595, § 1(23-51), passed 11-22-2010; Ord. 3711, § 1(23-77), passed 3-11-2013; Ord. 3851, § 1, passed 6-13-2016)
   (A)   Every person desiring to engage in the business of secondhand sales shall first obtain a permit from the City of Bellevue. The permit is valid for the year in which it was issued and will expire on December 31 of the same year.
   (B)   Such permit shall be obtained by filing an application with, and having such application approved by, the Chief of Police, or someone under his or her direction.
   (C)   The application shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The name and address of the owner and the manager of the business and, if the applicant is an individual, the applicant’s social security number;
      (2)   If the applicant is a corporation, a copy of the articles of incorporation and the names of its officers and shareholders;
      (3)   The exact location where the business is to be conducted; and
      (4)   The exact location where any goods, wares, and merchandise may be stored or kept if other than at the business location.
   (D)   When reviewing applications for a permit required by this section, the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, shall take into consideration the criminal record, if any, of the applicant and, if the applicant is a corporation, of its officers and shareholders. No permit shall be issued to any applicant who has been convicted of a felony, and, if the applicant is a corporation, no permit shall be issued when any officer or shareholder has been convicted of a felony.
   (E)   There is no fee for the issuance of a secondhand sales permit.
(Ord. 3595, § 1(23-52), passed 11-22-2010; Ord. 3711, § 1(23-78), passed 3-11-2013; Ord. 3851, § 1, passed 6-13-2016)
   When an application for a permit required by the provisions of this article has been denied by the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, the applicant shall have the right to appeal from such denial to the council in the same manner as provided for appeals from a suspension or revocation of a permit in Sec. 23-93.
(Ord. 3595, § 1(23-53), passed 11-22-2010; Ord. 3711, § 1(23-79), passed 3-11-2013; Ord. 3851, § 1, passed 6-13-2016)