(A)   All solicitations to private residences, including, but not limited to, homes, duplexes, rooming houses and apartments, shall occur only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise posted and prohibited by the private property owner or by someone with apparent authority to act for the owner. This regulation does not apply where the solicitor is on the property by express, prior invitation of the person residing on the premises.
   (B)   Solicitation on public property is permissible except as follows:
      (1)   Solicitors may not solicit in public streets or rights-of-way or from medians in the streets, or in any way block, obstruct or unduly hinder passage on public streets and rights-of-way.
      (2)   Solicitors may not block, obstruct, or unduly hinder passage on public sidewalks or passageways.
      (3)   Vendors may not solicit or sell products within one block of any school while in session, nor shall any solicitation or sale be made for a period of 30 minutes before the beginning of such school, or for the 30 minutes after adjournment.
   (C)   For the purposes of this article, the judgment of a police officer, exercised in good faith, shall be deemed conclusive as to whether the area is blocked, obstructed or passage is hindered or the public is impeded or inconvenienced.
(Ord. 3504, § 1(23-24), passed 3-9-2009; Ord. 4122, § 2(23-24), passed 5-2-2023)