(A)   Any permit issued under the provisions of this article may be suspended or revoked for the violation by the permittee of:
      (1)   Any provision of this article or other applicable provision of this Code, state law or city ordinance, rule or regulation; or
      (2)   Any other provision of this Code, state law or city ordinance classified as a misdemeanor or felony.
   (B)   Before any permit issued under the provisions of this article is suspended or revoked, the permittee shall be given notice of the date and time for a hearing to show cause as to why such permit should not be revoked. Such hearing shall be within seven (7) days of the date of the notice. At the time and place set for the show cause hearing, the Chief of Police shall hear all the testimony as to whether or not grounds for the revocation or suspension of the permit exist.
   (C)   If, upon the conclusion of the show cause hearing, it shall appear that grounds for the suspension or revocation of a permit issued under the provisions of this article exist, the Chief of Police shall so find and impose such suspension or revocation as he or she may deem proper under the circumstances.
   (D)   A finding, and the action taken thereon by the Chief of Police at the conclusion of the hearing on the suspension or revocation of a permit issued under the provisions of this article, may be appealed by the permittee to the city council upon written application to the City Clerk within ten (10) days of such decision. Upon hearing such appeal, the council may affirm, reverse, change or modify the finding or action of the Chief of Police. A permit shall remain in effect pending the outcome of such appeal.
(Ord. 3850, § 3, passed 6-13-2016)