§ 22-10 PENALTIES.
   Any broker, agent, or dealer, who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, or:
   (A)   Makes a false statement in the application for a permit;
   (B)   Fails to keep the record or fails to make required entries thereon;
   (C)   Intentionally or knowingly makes any false or unintelligible entry, or any entry which he or she has reason to believe is untrue;
   (D)   Fails to make the inquiries necessary to enable him or her to make such entries or any of them;
   (E)   Fails to procure the permit or who fails to produce his or her permit or records when requested by an officer having authority to examine them; or
   (F)   Destroys or negligently permits such records to be destroyed;
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided in Bellevue City Code Sec. 1-11.
(Ord. 3850, § 3, passed 6-13-2016)