(A)   Whenever the city, by and through its authorized representatives, shall determine that any owner, agent, occupant, tenant or person in possession, charge or control of any lot or ground, or any part of any lot or ground located within the city’s zoning jurisdiction is in violation of the provisions of this article, the city shall provide notice to such person of the city’s determination and issue an order mandating such person to abate and/or remove such nuisance. Such notice shall be delivered personally or by mailing such notice by first-class mail, postage prepaid, directed to the property owner of record, and by posting notice of the violation in a conspicuous place on or about the property. A person receiving such notice may, within five calendar days after its receipt, request a hearing with the city as described in such notice. If a person receiving such notice fails to timely request a hearing or fails to appear at a hearing scheduled pursuant to a timely request, then it shall be conclusively presumed that such person is in violation of the provisions of this article as set forth in such notice.
   (B)   Unless a person receiving a notice pursuant to this section successfully challenges the nuisance violation set forth in such notice at a hearing requested pursuant to this section, such person shall abate and/or remove such nuisance within seven calendar days after the receipt of such notice. If a person receiving such notice fails or refuses to comply with the order to abate and/or remove such nuisance in a timely manner, the city may cause the abatement and/or removal of such nuisance as further provided in this article.
(Ord. 3387, § 2(19-95), passed 10-24-2005; Ord. 4130, 6, passed 10-3-2023)