(A) Whenever a dwelling unit has supplied heating facilities, and facilities should be properly installed, be maintained in reasonably good working condition and be capable of adequately heating all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms contained therein, or intended for use by the occupants thereof, to a temperature of at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit, at a distance of three feet above floor level, when the outdoor temperature is at or above ten degrees below zero Fahrenheit. Whenever a dwelling unit does not have supplied heating facilities, it shall contain a sufficient number of chimney outlets to permit the occupant, through the use of space heaters furnished by the occupant, to adequately heat all habitable rooms, bathrooms, toilet rooms contained therein, or intended for use by the occupants thereof, to a temperature of at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit at a distance three feet above floor level, when the outdoor temperature is at or above ten degrees below zero Fahrenheit. Every supplied central heating system shall comply with all of the following requirements:
(1) The central heating unit shall be safe and in reasonably good operating condition.
(2) Every heat duct, steam pipe and hot water pipe shall be free of leaks and shall function so that an adequate amount of heat is delivered where intended.
(3) Every seal between any of the sections of a hot air furnace shall be airtight so noxious gases and fumes will not escape into the heat ducts.
(B) Every supplied space heater shall comply with all of the following requirements:
(1) No space heater burning solid, liquid or gaseous fuels shall be of a portable type.
(2) Every space heater burning solid, liquid or gaseous fuels shall be properly vented to a chimney or duct leading to outdoor space and be so installed as to provide proper draft.
(3) Every fuel burning space heater shall have a fire resistant panel between it and the floor or floor covering.
(4) Every space heater located within two feet of a wall shall be equipped with the insulation sufficient to prevent overheating of the wall during periods of maximum operation.
(5) Every space heater smoke pipe shall be equipped with approved type thimbles or guards properly constructed of nonflammable material, at the point where the pipe goes through any wall, ceiling or partition.
(1964 Code, § 12A-18)