The owner shall on or before January 1 of each year file in the office of the city clerk a statement showing the number of machines or devices coming under this article in use by any person within the city. The owner-operator of any automatic musical device, electronic video and/or mechanical amusement device, merchandise vending machine and tobacco products vending machine shall also provide a list indicating each location of such devices in use within the city; if any such machine or device is located within any building or facility with more than a single floor or place of business, the list shall indicate where in such building or facility the device is located; provided further that the list shall be regularly supplemented on a semiannual basis to indicate any additions, deletions or changes in location of any device. Prior to the placing in service of any additional devices, statements shall be executed and filed in the manner provided for such original statement and payment shall be made contemporaneously therewith of the additional occupation tax.
(Ord. 2648, § 17, passed 12-9-1991)