The decision of the building official at a hearing on the revocation or suspension of a license under this article shall be final. No person whose license has been revoked under the provisions of section 8-154 or permanent revocation under section 8-156(4) shall be granted a new license. Any individual whose license has been revoked under section 8-156(3) may have the ability to retest for said license upon the expiration of the time frame of the revocation, and may be issued a license after successfully completing the examination and paying all associated fees, and subsequently is awarded a license from city council. The city council, within 30 days of filing such notice, shall grant a hearing to the individual appealing. The revocation or suspension of a license shall not entitle the holder to a refund of any part of the fee which he or she may have paid.
(Ord. 3516, § 3(8-159), passed 5-11-2009)