Every licensed building contractor must have an established place of business. The building contractor’s registration shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the place of business, provided the place of business fronts on a public thoroughfare and has a separate entrance. The place of business shall have signs posted identifying the building contractor or his or her firm. This provision shall not prevent a building contractor from having his place of business and dwelling combined, provided that such uses conform to the city zoning ordinance requirements for home occupation. All vehicles associated with the business or corporation in the conduct of the business shall have the name of the building contractor, firm, or corporation and the contractor’s license number, visibly displayed on every vehicle associated with such, with letters not less than two inches in height on both sides of the vehicles.
(Ord. 3516, § 3(8-141), passed 5-11-2009; Ord. 3652, § 3(8-141), passed 11-28-2011)