(A)   Each application for an alarm system registration and/or renewal shall be made by the alarm business or principal, as applicable, on a form prescribed by the coordinator. At a minimum, the forms prescribed by the coordinator for alarm system registration or renewal shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The name, address and telephone number of the principal.
      (2)   The use of the protected premises (e.g., home, office, variety store, etc.) and the name of any business operating in the protected premises by which the protected premises is known.
      (3)   The address of the protected premises. If the protected premises is in a residential, commercial or industrial complex (e.g., office building, apartment house, shopping center, etc.) the address shall include the name, if any, by which the complex is commonly known.
      (4)   The names, address and telephone numbers, including home phone numbers, of at least three natural persons and, if applicable, an alarm business who have access to the protected premises and who may be notified in the event the alarm system is activated.
      (5)   Certification by the principal that the principal’s immediate family, tenants or employees (as appropriate under the circumstances) who have access to the protected premises have been given training which include procedures and practices to avoid false alarms and steps to follow in the event the alarm system is accidentally activated.
   (B)   The alarm business or principal, as applicable, shall remit, together with an alarm system registration and/or annual renewal application, a registration fee to the coordinator, which shall accompany the registration and/or renewal application. The registration fee shall be as described on the Master Fee Schedule, and the late charge as described on the Master Fee Schedule shall be assessed against any alarm business or principal that fails to pay the registration fee in a timely manner. The coordinator shall not be obligated to accept any alarm system registration application, or any renewal thereof, if the principal has failed to pay any registration fees, any corresponding late charges or any false alarm charges imposed on such principal as described in section 8-95.
   (C)   Upon receipt of a registration or renewal application from an alarm business or principal, as applicable, coordinator shall register such alarm system installed on the protected premises. The coordinator shall register the alarm system by issuing to the principal a registration form bearing the name of the principal, the address of the protected premises, and an identification number; and setting forth the expiration date of the registration. The registration of any alarm system shall not obligate the city or the PSDCC to respond or accord any priority to any emergency.
   (D)   The term of any registration shall automatically expire upon the earliest of:
      (1)   12 calendar months from the date of issuance; or
      (2)   Whenever there is a change of the principal.
   (E)   Registration shall be renewed by the principal at least ten days prior to the expiration of each term by registering with the coordinator in the same manner as provided in subsection (A) of this section.
(Ord. 2797, § 1, passed 7-11-1994; Ord. 3238, § 4, passed 12-9-2002; Ord. 3499, § 5, passed 3-9-2009)