(A)   The business of the council shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in the following order:
      (1)   Pledge of allegiance;
      (2)   Invocation;
      (3)   Call to order and roll call;
         (a)   Election of presiding officer (when applicable);
       (4)   Open Meetings Act;
      (5)   Approval of agenda, consent agenda, minutes and advisory committee reports;
         (a)   Approval of minutes from prior meeting;
         (b)   Adjourn sine die (only when new members need sworn in);
         (c)   Presiding officer calls to order and roll call (only when new members need sworn in);
         (d)   Approval of the agenda;
         (e)   Approval of the consent agenda;
         (f)   Approval of advisory committee report;
      (6)   Approval of claims (statements of account);
      (7)   Special presentations (quarterly budget update);
      (8)   Organizational Matters (when necessary to elect a new council president);
      (9)   Approved Citizen Communication;
      (10)   Liquor licenses;
      (11)   Ordinances for adoption (third reading);
      (12)   Ordinances for public hearing (second reading);
      (13)   Ordinances for introduction (first reading) read only;
      (14)   Public hearing on matters other than ordinances;
      (15)   Resolutions for adoption;
      (16)   Current business;
      (17)   Administrative reports;
      (18)   Closed or Executive Session; and
      (19)   Adjournment.
   (B)   The order of business shall not be changed except by a majority vote of the city council. The city clerk shall have the authority at his or her discretion, when preparing any agenda for a city council meeting, to group items together that are of a similar nature or are related by subject matter when it appears reasonable to do so for efficient progression of such meeting.
(1964 Code, § 2-54) (Ord. 3943, § 1, passed 5-7-2019)