The Bellevue Bench Incentive Program (“BIP”) is hereby established. The purpose of the BIP is to allow citizens to honor family members or others. The guidelines for the BIP shall be:
   (A)   A Bellevue citizen or organization (hereafter “citizen”) may apply for the location of a bench on the public way such as on a sidewalk or park subject to the following:
      (1)   Applications for a bench and plaque should be made to the City Clerk/Treasurer’s office.
      (2)   The citizen will provide full funding for the purchase of the bench and any plaque that may be attached to the bench. On request, written acknowledgment of receipt of funding for a bench and/or plaque will be made by the city.
      (3)   The city is responsible for selecting and ordering the bench. The city will determine the style and specifications of the bench.
      (4)   The bench shall be the property of the city, and both ownership and possession of the bench shall remain with the city at all times.
      (5)   The city will determine the location of the bench. The city will consult with the citizen about the location.
      (6)   The city will secure and install the bench and provide a foundation for it, if necessary.
      (7)   The city reserves the right to remove or relocate the bench. The city will not be liable for a damaged or missing bench or plaque.
      (8)   The city shall create a record of where benches are located.
      (9)   Plaques placed on the bench shall not include advertising or profanity. The purpose is to place the name and language that honor citizens who have a connection with the city.
      (10)   The city shall have the authority to amend BIP bench regulations by an order approved by the Board of Council.
(Ord. 2022-04-01, passed 5-5-22)