(A)   Construction. The construction or reconstruction of a driveway from the paved roadway to the private property shall be not less than seven- (7-) inch concrete. All commercial driveways shall be adequate to carry the load to which they are subjected.
('71 Code, § 92.02(A))
   (B)   Depth. Driveways across sidewalks shall have a depth on the abutting private property adequate to permit a vehicle to completely clear the sidewalk right-of-way so that no part of the vehicle shall remain on or project over the right-of-way. Where the driveway enters a building, the garage provisions of the building code will apply. Where a driveway enters a parking lot, provisions must be made for cars to turn around and head out.
('71 Code, § 92.02(A)-(C)) Penalty, see § 10.99