§ 52.07 HEAVY USERS.
   Properties determined to be heavy users shall comply with the provisions of this section.
   (A)   Heavy users shall mean a person whose regular usage frequently exceeds 4 containers, 2 toters or their equivalent.
   (B)   Heavy user container means a container with a lid that is designed for near loading collection as specified.
   (C)   New heavy users shall provide heavy user containers for collection. New multiple-family dwellings with four (4) or more dwelling units shall provide heavy user containers for collection. As of the effective date of this article, existing heavy users may be required to provide heavy user containers for collection.
   (D)   Heavy user containers shall be placed on a concrete pad and enclosed by a solid screening material not to exceed six (6) feet in height. This enclosure must meet refuse hauler specification for accessibility. Each site must be attractively landscaped and maintained.
   (E)   Heavy user containers, whether leased or owned, must be kept in good condition and lids must be operable, tight fitting and closed when not in use. Containers must be water tight and maintained so as not to cause obnoxious odors.
   (F)   The city may determine that collection is insufficient and cause the owner to increase pick up or use a larger dumpster if the city determines that collection to contribute to blight nuisance or public health. (Ord. 93-8-1, passed 9-8-93)