The Library Board's duties and responsibilities include the following:
   A.   Establish bylaws for its governance and maintain legal records of all board meetings and actions;
   B.   Establish policies and rules of use and governance of the library and to exclude from use of the library any and all persons who violate such rules;
   C.   Establish, locate, maintain and have custody of the library or libraries to serve Bellevue, and to provide suitable rooms, structures, facilities, books and other materials, furniture, equipment, supplies, apparatus and appliances necessary for library service;
   D.   Make recommendations to the Council with regard to the hiring, promotion, discipline, termination, wages and other matters with regard to a Library Director and other library employees;
   E.   With the prior approval of the Council:
      1.   Acquire real property by purchase, gift, devise, lease or otherwise;
      2.   Own and hold real and personal property and construct buildings for the use and purposes of the library;
      3.   Sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of real or personal property when no longer required by the library;
      4.   Insure the real and personal property of the library;
      5.   Prepare and adopt a budget for review and approval by the Council;
      6.   Control the expenditures of money budgeted for the library;
      7.   Accept or decline gifts of money or personal property in accordance with library policies and under such terms as may be a condition of the gift;
      8.   Supervise and evaluate the Library Director;
      9.   Establish policies for the purchase and distribution of library materials; and
      10.   Exercise such other powers, not inconsistent with law, necessary for the orderly and efficient management of the library. (Ord. 2002-01, 1-10-2001)
      11.   Attend all meetings of the Library Board.
      12.   Maintain legal records of all board business. (2018 Code)
   F.   Report to the Council on any library matters upon request of the Mayor or Council. (Ord. 2002-01, 1-10-2002)