The Library Board shall be organized in accordance with this section and the relevant provisions of Idaho Code.
   A.   Bylaws: The board shall adopt bylaws for the conduct of its governance, meetings and affairs.
   B.   Officers: The board shall elect a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.
   C.   Committees: The board may establish subcommittees and advisory committees to advise the board in carrying out its duties and responsibilities under this chapter and/or assist in library operations, fundraising and other related endeavors.
   D.   Voting: All five (5) members shall have voting rights. A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of a quorum may decide issues before the board.
   E.   Records And Recommendations: The board shall make such reports and recommendations to the Council as the board deems appropriate on matters relating to the library, including, without limitation, library policies, procedures, operations, budgeting requests, improvements, and expansions.
   F.   Meetings:
      1.   Regular Meetings: At least one regular meeting shall be held each quarter of the year on such regular dates as the board may determine. The board shall hold its first regular meeting in January of each year, which meeting shall be designated as the annual meeting for the purpose of electing officers, establishing regular meeting dates, and reviewing, amending, repealing or adopting bylaws, policies, and procedures, and to consider such other matters as lawfully on the agenda.
      2.   Special Meetings: Special meetings may be scheduled as necessary as provided by law.
      3.   Open To The Public: All board meetings and records shall be open to the public and shall comply with the Open Meetings Law 1
      4.   Executive Sessions: The Mayor and Council members shall have the right to attend any executive session of the board.
      5.   Recordkeeping: A record of meetings, motions, studies, findings, and actions taken shall be maintained as required by law.
   G.   Compensation: Members shall serve without salary, but may receive their actual and necessary expenses while engaged in authorized business of the library as budgeted and approved by the Council. (Ord. 2002-01, 1-10-2002)



1. IC §§ 67-2340 - 67-2344.