Traffic Control
305.01   Traffic Control File; amendments.
305.02   Authority and considerations for placement of devices.
305.03   Conformity with State Manual.
305.04   Powers of Public Safety Director.
305.05   Posting of signs and signals required.
305.06   Director's powers not limited.
305.07   Records of Director.
305.08   Reservation of power to Council.
305.09   Violations subject to general misdemeanor classification.
See sectional history for similar State law
Power to designate highway as included in a freeway, expressway or thruway - see Ohio R.C. 4511.011
Uniform system of traffic control devices - see Ohio R.C. 4511.09, 4511.11(D)
Placing and maintaining local traffic control devices - see Ohio R.C. 4511.10, 4511.11
Alteration of prima-facie speed limits - see Ohio R.C. 4511.21, 4511.22(A), 4511.23
Power to erect stop signs at grade crossings - see Ohio R.C. 4511.61
Designation of through streets and erection of stop or yield signs - see Ohio R.C. 4511.65; TRAF. 313.02
Traffic control devices defined - see TRAF. 301.46
   (a)   The establishment of a Traffic Control File is hereby directed which shall show at all times current designations of the following traffic control features within the Municipality:
      (1)   Through streets;
      (2)   Stop intersections;
      (3)   Yield right-of-way intersections;
      (4)   One-way streets and alleys;
      (5)   Traffic control signals;
      (6)   Loading zones;
      (7)   Prohibited and limited parking areas;
      (8)   Angle parking areas;
      (9)   Parking meter zones;
      (10)   Truck routes;
      (11)   Prohibited and restricted turning movements.
   (b)   The establishment of a Traffic Control File shall constitute the permanent and official record of the traffic control designations enumerated in subsection (a) hereof.
   The Traffic Control File shall be prepared by and maintained in the Police Department.
   The Traffic Control File shall include the following information:
      (1)   Type of traffic control designation;
      (2)   Complete description of the street or area affected;
      (3)   Number of the ordinance or regulation authorizing designation;
      (4)   Effective date of ordinance or regulation;
      (5)   Date the proper traffic control device was erected.
   (c)   Any amendment to the Traffic Control File shall only be made by regulation of the Public Safety Director or legislation passed by Council. Upon the effective date of such legislation or regulation and the erection of proper traffic control devices giving notice thereof, the amendment shall be in effect. All amendments shall be recorded in the official Traffic Control File.