(a) Definitions. Temporary Storage Containers means any container, enclosure, structure, portable on-demand storage device (POD), metal shipping container, mobile storage unit, and any other device which is designed to be portable and transportable, commonly used to store home furnishings and other personal items on a temporary basis during a time of home repair, construction, renovation or relocation. Temporary storage containers do not include self-propelled motor vehicles or moving vans.
(b) Permit Required. No temporary storage container shall be placed upon any residential property without first obtaining a zoning permit from the Zoning Inspector.
(1) Applications for a zoning permit for a temporary storage container shall be in writing on forms provided by the Zoning Inspector and shall include the following:
A. Name and address of the property owner;
B. Description of the container, including size and dimensions;
C. A plan, drawn to scale, showing the proposed location of the container.
(2) The fee for a zoning permit for a temporary storage container shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) subject to adjustment by the Safety-Service Director in conjunction with the City Auditor, to take into account inflation or other costs of issuing such permits.
(c) Restrictions. All temporary storage containers on residential properties shall comply with the following:
(1) Only permitted on a property containing an existing residential dwelling, or a residential dwelling under construction, renovation or repair and where a valid building permit has been issued, provided the temporary storage container is not part of the permanent construction.
(2) Shall be located in the driveway, as close to the house as possible. If located for a residential construction project where a driveway is not yet installed, the container shall be located in the proposed driveway location.
(3) Shall not be located in the right-of-way or on the street.
(4) Shall not block a public sidewalk.
(5) No electric or plumbing service shall be connected to or provided in the temporary storage container.
(6) Human or animal habitation is prohibited in a temporary storage container.
(7) Only one temporary storage container shall be placed on a property at one time. Stacking containers is prohibited. Semi-tractor trailers are prohibited.
(8) Maximum size permitted is eight feet (8') in width by eight feet (8') in height by twenty feet (20') in length, or up to forty feet (40') in length if approved by the Zoning Inspector.
(9) Temporary storage containers are permitted to remain on a property for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days within a calendar year. The Zoning Inspector has the authority to grant one thirty (30) day extension, without additional fee, if the property owner requests the extension prior to the expiration of the original thirty (30)-day period and shows just cause for the extension.
A. Temporary storage containers placed on a property for a construction project are permitted to remain for the duration of the project, but shall be removed from the property within seven (7) days of completion of the project and issuance of a Certification of Occupancy/Completion or upon expiration of the building permit.
(d) Public Nuisance. No temporary storage container shall be located or used in such a manner on any property as to create a public nuisance such as, but not limited to, creating a motor vehicle visibility issue or storing hazardous materials, as determined by the Zoning Inspector.
(e) Storage Containers on Commercial/Industrial Properties. Storage containers are permitted on any developed commercial or industrial property, without a zoning permit, for temporary or permanent on-site storage.
(1) Storage containers shall be screened from public view unless otherwise determined by the Zoning Inspector.
(2) Storage containers are not permitted to occupy required off-street parking spaces.
(Ord. 11-23. Passed 5-8-23.)