(a)   All proposed actions within "Downtown Bellevue" that fall under the purview of the Architectural Review Board as defined below shall be reviewed by the Board prior to their enactment. Such action includes the construction, erection, alteration, removal, moving or demolition of buildings and structures in "Downtown Bellevue". The Board shall review such proposed actions for conformance with the guidelines, contained herein, and make an official recommendation concerning such proposed actions. A "Certificate of Appropriateness" that specifies the Board's recommendation regarding proposed actions shall be issued in writing and provided to the applicant.
   (b)   When the Building Inspector of the City receives documents submitted for a building permit within "Downtown Bellevue", the applicant shall satisfy the Inspector that the Board has reviewed the proposal, if it falls under the purview of the Board as herein defined, and has made its recommendation concerning the proposal's conformance to the guidelines as contained herein. Such official recommendation shall be in the written form of the "Certificate of Appropriateness". The Building Inspector shall reject any application that does not comply with the recommendation of the Board.
(Ord. 2-15. Passed 2-23-15.)