A separate, detailed Landscape Plan shall be submitted when any single building is proposed to be constructed, that is more than seventy-five thousand (75,000) square feet in size. Similarly, any building expansion that will result in a single building that is more than seventy-five thousand (75,000) square feet in size shall also provide a Landscape Plan. Landscape Plans shall be prepared by a Landscape Architect registered in the State of Ohio, and shall include the following elements:
(a) Illustrations of proposed landscape improvements at a minimum scale of one inch (1") equal twenty feet (20').
(b) North arrow and scale, name of the applicant/owner; name, registration number, address and phone number of the person or firm responsible for the preparation of the landscape plans.
(c) The dates on which plans are submitted or revised.
(d) All existing and proposed buildings and other structures, paved areas, planted areas, fencing, walls, water outlets, utility poles, fire hydrants, light standards, underground utilities, signs, fences, dumpster locations and other permanent features to be added or retained on the site.
(e) All existing plant material to be removed or retained and all proposed additions or changes to landscaping, buffering, and walkways, illustrating existing natural land features including, but not limited to: trees, forest cover, and water resources (ponds, lakes, streams, wetlands, flood plains, and drainage ditches and retention areas, rivers, and any other body of water).
(f) A schedule of all new landscaping materials to be installed. The plant list shall include the common names, specified installation size, and on center planting dimensions when applicable.
(g) When the list of plant material to be removed contains existing trees, the landscape plan shall justify that building location and placement has been developed with due consideration given to minimizing removal of trees. Quantities required shall be referenced on the plan.
(h) The locations and dimensions of existing and/or proposed streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, railroad tracks, paths, walkways, and/or bikeways, and illustrating natural and manmade streetscaping including paving materials, vegetative materials, and material and design of street furniture.
(Ord. 1-15. Passed 2-23-15.)