The Traffic Impact Study shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer at the expense of the property owner or developer. The study shall investigate and recommend the feasibility and benefits of improvements such as signals, turn lanes, driveway movement limitations to protect the safety and welfare of the traveling public. The Traffic Impact Study analysis shall include descriptions for the following:
(a) Site and area within limits of the traffic impacts.
(b) Roadway network within the limits of the traffic impact area; the proposed site, adjacent roadway and the nearest major intersection in each direction; shall include traffic volumes, levels of service, and physical features such as number and type of lanes and traffic control devices.
(c) Existing development adjacent to and surrounding the subject site and a description of future development as proposed by the Bellevue Comprehensive Master Plan.
(d) Trip generation consistent with the current ITE Trip Generation and distribution, including a description of all assumptions/predictions used to generate findings of trip distribution.
(e) Projected future traffic conditions within limits of the traffic impacts, including opening day of proposed development; ten (10) year and twenty (20) year projections.
(f) Evaluation of the effects the proposed development will have on the existing level of service for site driveways, public rights-of-way, roadways and adjacent intersections in each direction including traffic volumes.
(g) Recommendations for site access and transportation improvements needed to mitigate site-generated traffic within the limits of the traffic impacts, to at least the level of service that currently exists.
(h) Signal warrant analysis and highway capacity analysis shall be conducted, consistent with the current Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD) and Transportation Research Boards (TRB), Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) and associated software, at all multi-movement driveways. Determination of a signal installation will be based on the signal warrant analyses with consideration for system capability and signal spacing.
(i) When questions arise concerning the development of Access management and Traffic Impact Studies, Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) standards shall provide guidance.
(Ord. 1-15. Passed 2-23-15.)