1203.169 RESTAURANT.
   A lot, premises, or building whereupon or in which food or beverages are cooked or prepared and offered for sale and where consumption is permitted on said lot, premises or building, whether or not entertainment is offered; and includes establishments commonly known as bars, grills, cafes, taverns, and drive-thru establishments.
(a)   "Carry-out restaurant" means an establishment whose primary function is the offering of food and beverages which are sold only inside the building, and are usually packaged to be carried and consumed off of the premises, but may be consumed within the restaurant building or on the premises.
(b)   "Drive-thru restaurant" means an establishment offering food and beverages which are sold within the building, or to persons while in motor vehicles in an area designed for drive-in service, and may be consumed on or off the premises.
(c)   "Sit down restaurant" means an establishment whose primary function is the offering of food and beverages which are sold and normally consumed within the restaurant building. Entertainment may be provided on the premises.
      (Ord. 1-15. Passed 2-23-15.)