(a)    The topographic map shall be prepared by a land surveyor registered in Ohio and shall be accurately drawn to the scale 1" =50' or larger.
   (b)    The topographic map shall show existing and finish grades within the subdivision and to a point fifty feet (50') outside of the boundaries of the subdivision and along the existing and proposed streets. Existing grades may be shown by topographic lines with a contour interval of one foot (1') or on a grid of fifty feet (50'). Finish grades shall be shown on a grid of fifty feet (50') and every fifty feet along the center line of streets. The City Engineer may modify the foregoing requirements.
   (c)    The elevations shall conform to sea level elevations established by the Regional Geodetic Survey. The geodetic bench marks used shall be indicated thereon.
   (d)    The topographic map shall show the location of the buildings on the lots, finish ground elevation at the building and lot corners, existing improvements on adjoining streets and proposed block and lot drainage.
(Ord. 1-15. Passed 2-23-15.)