Prior to preparing a sketch plan, the subdivider may request an informal discussion with the designated representative of the Planning Commission to discuss the procedures for approval of the subdivision plan and to familiarize the developer with the comprehensive plan, thoroughfare plan, drainage and sewerage requirements, fire prevention, and the availability of existing utility services. The application may combine a pre-application conference with the sketch plan. The sketch plan shall include: a completed and signed application form, copies of the sketch plan, and applicable fees. Optional sketch plans may be reviewed by the Planning Commission and shall be drawn to a convenient scale of not more than one hundred feet (100') to an inch illustrating the following information:
(a)    Location or vicinity map.
(b)    Ownership of property and adjacent properties.
(c)    Existing and proposed public roads and easements.
(d)    Existing structures.
(e)    North arrow.
(f)    Outline of areas to be subdivided.
(g)    Approximation of proposed lot lines.
(h)    Important natural features and drainage ways.
(i)    A written statement about storm drainage, sewage disposal, water supply, and other facilities that exist in the area and the likely impacts of the development on those systems.
      (Ord. 1-15. Passed 2-23-15.)