(A)   The Commission recognizes the rights of all person to equal opportunity in employment, compensation, promotion, education and positions of leadership, and shall not tolerate discrimination because of race, color, gender, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, veteran's status or marital status.
   (B)   Prohibited discriminatory practices in employment, housing, public accommodations and financing including the following.
      (1)   DISCRIMINATION, as applied under this section, means any difference in treatment based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, ancestry, national origin, marital status, veteran's status or physical or mental disability.
      (2)   It shall be illegal for any person to commit any of the following acts of discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and financing:
         (a)   Permit to take any action which discriminantly affects a person's selection, status or eligibility for employment, promotion or transfer, or for apprenticeship, membership or conditions and privileges or benefits directly or indirectly related to one's employment;
         (b)   Cause or permit to be published, posted or circulated any notice, advertisement, job order, requisition or request for applicants for employment of apprenticeship for the referral thereof which makes or has the effect of making race, color, religion, veteran's status, gender, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, marital status, age, (as defined herein) or physical or mental disability a condition of applying for employment or of referral therefor or indicates the existence of such a condition, except for a bona fide occupation qualification;
         (c)   For an employer, employment agency or labor organization to inquire on a written application whether a job applicant has ever been arrested or to use such knowledge of an arrest as a reason for denial or termination of employment. This section shall not be construed to prohibit any employer, employment agency or labor organization from obtaining the record or records concerning the conviction of any individual;
         (d)   Directly or indirectly discriminate against any person in any manner in the sale, rental, lease or occupancy of any residential real estate in the city, specifically relating to, but not limited to, the price, terms, conditions or privileges of any kind relating thereto or in the furnishing of any services or facilities in connection therewith, including advertisements thereof;
         (e)   Refuse to allow, permit or assist any person in the examination of any listing of real estate or real estate otherwise for sale within the city, except for non-discriminatory reasons applicable to all persons;
         (f)   Solicit either orally or in writing, or to distribute or cause to be distributed written material or statements designed to induce any owner of any housing accommodations in the city, to sell or refuse to sell or lease his or her property because of any present or prospective change in the race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ancestry, age, national origin, marital status, veteran's status or physical or mental disability of persons in the neighborhood;
         (g)   Refuse to rent, sell or lease any housing accommodations on the basis of mental or physical disability, including, but not limited to, people who require guide dogs or service dogs;
         (h)   Require as a condition precedent to the rental of a housing accommodation that the prospective tenant shall not have, at the time application for rental is made, one or more children under the age of 14 years residing in his or her family;
         (i)   Insert in any lease or agreement for the rental of any housing accommodation a condition terminating the lease if there shall be one or more children under the age of 14 in the family of any person holding the lease and occupying the housing accommodation;
         (j)   Discriminate against any person in the full enjoyment of goods, services, facilities, advantages or privileges of any public accommodation; and/or
         (k)   Discriminate or to participate directly or indirectly in discrimination in connection with the terms of loans, guaranteeing loans, accepting mortgages or otherwise making available funds for loans; provided that, lending money is one of the principal aspects of the person's business.
(1960 Code, § 9-3-4) (Ord. 5837, passed 1-20-1998; Am. Ord. 8369-2019, passed 9-17-2019)