No new ordinance shall be construed to repeal a former ordinance, whether such former ordinance is expressly repealed or not, as to any offense committed against the former ordinance, or as to any act done, and penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred, or any right accrued, or claim arising before the new ordinance takes effect, save only that the proceedings thereafter shall conform so far as practicable, to the ordinances in force at the time of such proceeding. If any penalty, forfeiture or punishment is mitigated by any provisions of a new ordinance, such provision may, by consent of the person affected by applied to any judgment pronounced after the new ordinance takes effect. This section extends to all repeals, either by express words or by implication, whether the repeal is in the ordinance making any new provision upon the same subject or in any other ordinance.
(1960 Code, § 1.08)
In any suit brought under the ordinances of the city upon the complaint of a person other than the Chief of Police or some other city officer and which suit is dismissed as trivial or frivolous, the suit shall be at the cost of the person making such complaint. When it appears to the satisfaction of any police magistrate that there are good grounds for believing that a suit is trivial or frivolous, and that the party complaining is not legally responsible for costs that may be expended in its behalf, the justice of the peace or police magistrate may demand security for such costs, in the event that such suit is dismissed, or may require that the party complaining deposit in advance the costs of issuing the necessary writs of making the arrest.
(1960 Code, § 1.13)
(A) All general ordinances, or parts thereof, not included within this code are hereby repealed. Special or private ordinances and resolutions, are not repealed or modified unless the same are repugnant to the provisions of this code.
(B) The repeal of general ordinances by this section shall not affect any suit or action or proceeding had or commenced in any court before the date this code takes effect, nor any offense committed, nor any penalty or forfeiture incurred, nor any suit or prosecution pending for the recovery of any fine or penalty incurred under any ordinance so repealed.
(1960 Code, § 1.14)
Any person, firm, corporation or any other entity that is indebted to the city shall not receive a building permit, a city business license, a zoning amendment or variance, an occupancy permit, sewer tap in or liquor license or contract with the city until said indebtedness of the city has been paid.
(1960 Code, § 1.15) (Ord. 7086, passed 2-19-2008)