For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ASHES. The residue of combustion of such fuels as wood, coal, charcoal and the like.
   COMMERCIAL REFUSE. All ashes and rubbish arising out of the operation of business and industry, excluding highly combustibles and all other refuse resulting from the ordinary operation of private residences or households.
   GARBAGE. All putrescible animal and vegetable matter.
   HIGHLY COMBUSTIBLE RUBBISH. All waste substances capable of exploding or highly inflammable material such as gunpowder, photographic plates or negatives, substances saturate with inflammable petroleum products or the like.
   RESIDENTIAL REFUSE. All ashes and rubbish resulting from the ordinary operation of residential properties. “Residential properties” shall be defined as property up to and including four-unit apartment facilities, with the exception of private developments which contract for pickup of an entire development on a weekly schedule and four-unit apartment facilities where dumpsters are provided.
   RUBBISH. All waste substances incapable of explosion such as tin cans, tinware and other metallic substances, bottles, glassware, earthenware, ashes, paper and the like, excluding furniture, appliances, yard waste and tires.
   WATER-PROOF BAGS. Water-proof bags are to be used only for the depositing of paper. No garbage or rubbish is to be placed in them unless they are used as a liner within a regulation container. Bags are to be made of a water-proof material and are to be sealed.
   YARD WASTE. Organic material produced in a residential yard not measuring more than two inches round.
(1960 Code, § 18-2-1) (Ord. 5602, passed 7-1-1996)