Subject to City Council approval, the city may enter into a development agreement with a developer for a project consistent with the purpose set forth in § 164.01 above, including one or more of the following terms:
(A) Property tax abatement by city for years two through six of the project, provided that single-family structures must be owner-occupied for a minimum of six years and multi-family structures must remain with original developer for a minimum of six years;
(B) Property tax abatement by other taxing districts for years two through six of the project (via intergovernmental agreement with the city), provided that single-family structures must be owner-occupied for a minimum of six years and multi- family structures must remain with original developer for a minimum of six years;
(C) Permit fee waivers;
(D) Tax increment financing for eligible costs/expenses;
(E) Sale/transfer of city-owned property;
(F) Zoning exemptions for residential/multi-family (A1, A1A, A1H, A1M, A1L, A2, B1) concerning lot coverage, lot area, lot depth, lot width and setbacks, provided that the project conforms to adjacent properties;
(G) Project conformity with requirements of Historic Preservation District(s), as applicable;
(H) Such other terms and conditions as may be imposed on the project by the city.
(Ord. 8288-2018, passed 12-17-2018)