(a)    All trees, hedges, shrubbery or other vegetation shall be kept properly maintained and shall not be permitted to become overgrown or unsightly, constituting a blighting factor to adjoining property.
   (b)    Should a property owner fail to comply with subsection (a) hereof, the Code Official shall notify such owner of such fact and order his compliance therewith within ten days after the receipt of such order. The form of such notice shall comply with the provisions of Section 1404.30 and shall be served in accordance with Section 1404.31.
   (c)    When a property owner fails to comply with the order provided for in subsection (b) hereof, the Director of Service and Safety may cause appropriate action to be taken to ensure compliance with such order, and the costs thereof shall be assessed against the property as provided in the Ohio Revised Code.
   (d)    All expenses related to the cutting or removal of trees, hedges, shrubbery or other vegetation by the City shall be paid out of funds appropriated by Council. The expenses shall consist of the following:
      (1)    All direct costs for the pruning or removal of obstructions; plus
      (2)    The costs for preparing and serving all notices; plus
      (3)    An administrative fee in the amount set forth in Section 1404.38.
         (Ord. 18-36. Passed 5-22-18.)