Ord. No.   Date   Description
1065   7-10-28   Name change: Maple Ave. to Blair Ave.
1250   8-22-32   Naming of Canby St.
1301   1934   Grade of Colton Ave. between Hamilton and Ludlow.
1338   1935   Grade of Cemetery, Oakland, Detroit, Henry, Grove, Orchard, Florence, Clay, Albert, Washington, Plumvalley, Troy, alley west of Linden connecting Oakland and Sandusky.
1450   4-13-37   Grade of W. Columbus Ave. from west corporation line to New York Central R.R.
1479   10-25-37   Grade of extension of Park St. from Spring to Colton.
1510   4-11-38   Grade of Iroquois St.
1511   4-11-38   Grade of Blair St.
1512   4-11-38   Grade of extension of Park St.
1513   4-11-38   Grade of Dakota St.
1514   4-11-38   Grade of Miami St.
1595   5-13-40   Name change: Harvey St. to Parkwood Dr.
1823   2-25-46   Naming alleys, Watson Way and Central Court; repealing Ord. 422.
1824   2-25-46   Name change: street in Iron City annexation.
1940   2-14-49   Name change: Kibby St. to Detroit St.
2478   6-4-57   Establish name of Burkingham Ave.
3130   1-14-66   Name change: part of Rush Ave. to Allison Court.
3269   3-13-68   Name change: Second St. to South Detroit St.
3502   11-11-70   Name change: Ross St., between Sandusky Ave. and its southern terminus, to Meadowbrook Dr.
78-12   2-28-78   Name changes: Heritage Court to Jefferson Court; Heritage Plaza to Madison Court.
Res.02-16   2-27-02   Names a certain public way in the vicinity of Pine Avenue School Learning Lane.
Res.02-60   7-23-02   Names the Access Drive from State Route 47 to the Bellefontaine Regional Airport Vicario Drive.
15-23   5-12-15   Portion of Dakota Rd. east of Shawnee Trace to Turner Rd.; portion of Kristina Drive south of Kelly Way to Kelly Court.