Revenue received from the collection of the rates and charges shall be deposited regularly with the Treasurer, who shall keep the same in a separate fund designated the Storm Drainage Revenue Fund. The moneys in this Fund shall be used for the cost and expense of the operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and management of the Storm Drainage System. Additionally, moneys form this Fund shall be used for debt service related to the borrowing of funds for improvements to the storm water drainage system and for construction elements directly related to same. Surplus in the Fund generated by user fees shall be deposited and used in accordance with R.C. 729.52. When appropriated by Council, the Fund shall be subjected to the order of the Safety/Service Director. The Director shall sign all orders drawn on the Treasurer of the municipality against such Fund.
(Ord. 01-24. Passed 3-13-01.)
(Ord. 01-24. Passed 3-13-01.)