In addition to any regular fees paid for permits to connect to the City public water system, a special area tap fee shall be charged for connection in certain locations as herein established:
   (a)   AREA I: All connections to the 12" water main constructed along Sloan Boulevard and along St. Rt. 540 east of U.S. Rt. 33, excluding the approximate 66.738 acres situated on either side of Sloan Blvd. currently owned by Harold Marker and bordered by Ohio Hi-Point JVS, U.S. Rt. 33, and Twp. Rd. 55, shall pay a Special Area Tap Fee per the following schedule:
      (1)   Property contiguous to improvements:
All Other Uses
$500/Acre (Minimum Fee)
         (Ord. 95-22. Passed 2-28-95.)