(a)   The Director of Service and Safety shall direct, regulate and control the planting, maintenance, removal, fertilization, pruning and bracing of trees on the streets and other public places in the City. He shall cause the provisions of this chapter to be enforced. In his absence, these duties shall be the responsibility of a qualified alternate designated by the City.
   (b)   The Director of Service and Safety shall have the authority to affix reasonable conditions to the granting of permits in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and to insure safety and preserve the aesthetics of public places.
   (c)   The Director of Service and Safety shall have the authority to formulate a Master Street Tree Plan after a public hearing and after receiving the advice and approval of the Shade Tree Commission. The Master Street Tree Plan shall specify the species of trees to be planted on the streets and public places in the City. From and after the adoption and approval of such Plan by the Commission, or any amendment thereof, all planting shall conform thereto. Such Plan shall take into consideration all existing and future utility and environmental factors in determining the species of trees for the various locations, and such Plan may be amended by the Director of Service and Safety, with the approval of the Commission, as circumstances require.
(Ord. 75-56. Passed 8-12-75.)