Ord. No.   Date   Description
2580   10-13-58   To United Telephone Co.
2944   9-9-63   To United Telephone Co.
3023   12-30-64   To Dayton Power and Light Co.
3024   12-30-64   To Dayton Power and Light Co.
3025   12-30-64   Regulates price for electricity with Dayton Power and Light Co.
3026   12-30-64   Regulates price for natural gas with Dayton Power and Light Co.
3027   12-30-64   Rates for lighting public ways with Dayton Power and Light Co.
3052   4-26-65   Grants permit to Logan Cable Television Co. to erect and operate CATV system.
3068   6-28-65   Amends Ord. 3026.
3069   6-28-65   Amends Ord. 3025.
3433   2-25-70   Regulates Dayton Power and Light Co. electrical rates for 5 years.
3479   8-12-70   Regulates Dayton Power and Light Co. electrical rates for 5 years.
74-17   3-12-74   Transfers Logan Cable Television Co. permit to erect and operate CATV system to T.V. Cable of Bellefontaine, Inc.
74-51   6-25-74   Amends Ord. 3052.
75-26   4-22-75   Regulates Dayton Power and Light Co. electrical rates for 10 years.
76-55   11-23-76   Rates for lighting public ways with Dayton Power and Light Co. for 2 years.
76-60   12-14-76   Rates for lighting public ways with Dayton Power and Light Co. for 2 years.
77-39   8-9-77   Amends Ord. 3052.
79-3   1-9-79   Rates for lighting public ways with Dayton Power and Light Co. for 2 years.
81-17   4-28-81   Amends Ord. 3052 to change rates for CATV franchise.
81-48   10-13-81   Amends Ord. 81-17 to change rate of payment for CATV franchise.
82-25   6-8-82   Rates for lighting public ways with Dayton Power and Light Co.
84-60   10-23-84   Rates for lighting public ways with Dayton Power and Light Co. for 2 years.
85-72   11-12-85   Transfers to Irving Cablevision, Inc., permit to erect and operate CATV system.
86-105   12-23-86   To Logan County Cooperative Power and Light Association, Inc., to distribute electrical power and energy.
88-19   2-23-88   Amends Ord. 3052 (CATV).
90-34   4-10-90   To Dayton Power and Light Co. an electric franchise for a period of twenty-five years.
93-63   9-14-93   Street lighting agreement with Dayton Power and Light.
97-9   1-28-97   Consents to the hypothecation of the CATV System and Franchise.
00-4   1-11-00   Extends the existing cable television franchise to Interlink Communication Partners, LLC.
00-83   10-10-00   To Dayton Power and Light Co. a 25 year gas franchise.
15-17      4-14-15   To the Dayton Power and Light Company, its successors and assigns, an electric franchise for a period of five (5) years, automatically renewing for additional periods of two (2) years unless notice is given.