A. General Regulations:
1. The keeping of farm animals except swine on undeveloped and unplatted property within the city limits, is allowed.
2. Two animal units allowed per two and one-half (2 ½) acres. One (1) additional acre of land shall be provided for each animal unit, beyond the two (2) units permitted on the first two and one-half acres. Notwithstanding the acreage available for the domestic livestock uses, no more than eight (8) individual animals shall be permitted, regardless of size, weight, or species.
a. The following numbers are equal to one animal unit:
b. One (1) horse.
c. One (1) cow.
d. Two (2) sheep.
e. Two (2) goats.
f. Eight (8) rabbits.
g. Six (6) larger fowl (ducks, geese, turkeys, etc.).
3. All animals shall be securely enclosed in a roaming or grazing area sufficient to keep them contained, protected from predatory animals and protected from the elements.
4. Perimeter of roaming and grazing areas shall include measures to ensure that soil erosion shall not occur due to animal activity.
5. Setback Requirements:
a. The activity shall not be less than one hundred feet (100') from any structure used for human occupancy and shall be set back not less than 50 feet (50') from any property line.
b. Structures and pens to house small farm animals shall be located in rear yards, as. For a corner lot or other property where no rear yard exists, a side yard may be used as long as the required setbacks are met. In no case shall a structure or pen intended to house animals be placed in the front yard.
6. Structures and Enclosures:
a. Structures and pen or pasture fencing erected for the housing of small farm animals must meet the following requirements:
(1) The structure shall be enclosed on all sides and shall have a roof and doors.
(2) Access doors must be able to be shut and locked at night.
(3) Openings, windows, and vents must be covered with predator- and bird-proof wire of less than one (1) inch openings.
(4) The materials used in making the structure shall be uniform for each element of the structure such that the walls are all made of the same material, the roof has the same shingles or other covering, and any windows or door openings are constructed using the same materials. The use of scrap, waste board, sheet metal, or similar materials is prohibited. The structure shall be well-maintained.
7. Fencing:
a. All structures and pen or pasture fencing shall be of sufficient size to provide safe housing for those animals kept therein and be designed to minimize trauma and maximize comfort and usage, including provision of an adequate number of resting spaces for the number of animals on the property.
8. Odor:
a. Odor from farm animals shall not be perceptible at the property boundaries. The Community Development Director may also require landscaping buffering to provide odor attenuation.
9. Noise from the keeping of small farm animals shall be regulated by chapter 4 of this Title.
10. Waste Storage and Removal shall be managed such that all stored manure and waste material shall be covered by a fully enclosed structure with a roof line or lid over the entire structure.
a. Manure and other waste material shall not be permitted to accumulate on the premises for a period exceeding thirty (14) days.
11. Feed shall be contained and unavailable to rodents, pests, wild birds and predators. Feed application and distribution for farm animals shall not result in excessive feed on the property that can attract rodents. (Ord. 2023-7, 7-17-2023)