A.   General:
      1.   This section describes the system used to classify principal uses in this zoning ordinance.
   B.   Use Categories:
      1.   This zoning ordinance classifies principal land uses into ten (10) major groupings. These major groupings are referred to as “use categories.” The use categories are as follows:
         a.   Residential (see Article II)
         b.   Commercial (see Article III)
         c.   Industrial/Agricultural (see Article IV)
         d.   Health And Wellness (see Article V)
         e.   Public Uses (see Article VI)
         f.   Recreation (see Article VII)
         g.   Education And Childcare (see Article VIII)
         h.   Accessory (see Article IX)
         i.   Temporary (see Article X)
         j.   Other (see Article XI)
   C.   Use Subcategories:
      1.   Each use category is further divided into more specific “subcategories.” Use subcategories to classify principal land uses and activities based on common functional, product, or physical characteristics, such as the type and amount of activity, the type of customers or residents, how goods or services are sold or delivered, and site conditions.
   D.   Specific Use Types:
      1.   Some use subcategories are further broken down to identify specific types of uses that are regulated differently than the subcategory.
   E.   Classification Of Uses:
      1.   The community development director is authorized to classify uses on the basis of the use category, subcategory, and specific use type descriptions of this article.
      2.   When a use cannot be reasonably classified into a use category, subcategory, or specific use type or appears to fit into multiple categories, subcategories, or specific use types, the community development directors is authorized to determine the most similar and, thus, most appropriate use category, subcategory or specific use type based on the actual or projected characteristics of the principal use or activity in relation to the use category, subcategory, and specific use type descriptions provided in this article. In making such determinations, the community development director must consider the following:
         a.   The types of activities that typically occur in conjunction with the use;
         b.   The types of equipment and processes to be used;
         c.   The existence, number, and frequency of residents, customers, or employees;
         d.   The type of building or structure (if any) in which the use is located;
         e.   Parking demands or the use; and
         f.   Other factors deemed relevant to a use determination.
         g.   If a use can reasonably be classified in multiple categories, subcategories, or specific use types, the community development director is authorized to categorize each use in the category, subcategory, or specific use type that provides the most exact, narrowest, and appropriate “fit.”
   F.   If a use can reasonably be classified in multiple categories, subcategories, or specific use types, the community development director is authorized to categorize each use in the category, subcategory, or specific use type that provides the most exact, narrowest, and appropriate “fit.” (Ord. 2023-7, 7-17-2023)