The following definitions apply to the terms used in this chapter:
CITY: The city of Belgrade.
COUNCIL: The Belgrade city council.
DEPARTMENT: The city of Belgrade water department or a person acting on behalf of said water department.
DIRECTOR: The director of public works and the person responsible for the proper functioning of the city water department.
METER: All installed devices and equipment used to measure the amount of water supplied to a user.
SERVICE AGREEMENT: An agreement or contract between the city water department and a water user to whom water is supplied by the city water department.
SYSTEM: The city water system, its physical structure and equipment owned and operated by the city.
USER: Any individual, partnership, association, firm, public or private corporation, or governmental entity or any other entity receiving water service from the city water system.
WATER SERVICE: The supplying of or availability, at the point of delivery, of water and also the water delivered or used. (Ord. 90-4, 11-19-1990)