A.   Report Of Inventory: It shall be the duty of the chief of the fire department to make a complete inventory of all fire apparatus and property belonging to the city and report the same, in writing, to the city council; and, from time to time thereafter, to report any addition or loss of such fire apparatus or property.
   B.   Monthly Report On Condition: At least once a month or more often, in his discretion, or when required by the city council, the chief shall carefully examine the condition of such fire apparatus or property to see that the same is at all times in good condition and repair, and to report to the city council any defects or injury to said apparatus or property, or any attention, repairs, or additions needed thereto.
   C.   Monthly Report Of Fire And Alarms: The chief shall further report, in writing, at the regular monthly meeting of the council, an accurate list of all fires and fire alarms, if any, that may have taken place during the month next preceding that at which said report is made, with the cause of such fires, if known, and the number and description of all buildings destroyed or damaged, and the estimated loss or damage to all property.
   D.   Management And Control Of Apparatus: Subject to the provisions of this chapter, the chief of the fire department shall have the management and control of all fire apparatus and property and of all hydrants provided by the city for the extinguishment and control of fires and the prevention thereof, and he shall be responsible for the proper use of the same. (1983 Code § 2.10.070)