It shall be the duty of the director of public works or his authorized representative to enforce the provisions of this chapter, and, upon a determination that a violation of this chapter exists, shall ascertain the name and mailing address of the owner of the premises and the description of the premises where the violation exists. The name and mailing address of the owner may be obtained from the current assessment list maintained by the office of the Gallatin County assessor. Written notice of violation shall be served upon said owner directing that said noxious weeds shall be cut and removed from the premises within ten (10) days or the city will cause said noxious weeds to be removed, with cost thereof to be charged against said owner. Charges for weed removal by the city shall be set by resolution of the city council from time to time and communicated to the director of public works. The charge for weed removal shall be up to seventy five dollars ($75.00) per hour until modified by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 2007-5, 8-6-2007)