(A)   All designations and headings of titles, chapters, subchapters, sections and divisions are intended only for convenience in arrangement and as mere catchwords to indicate the contents of such titles, chapters, subchapters, sections or divisions, whether printed in capital letters, italic letters or boldface type. They shall not be deemed or taken to be any part or title of such titles, chapters, subchapters, sections or divisions; nor, unless expressly so provided, shall they be so deemed upon amendment or reenactment; nor shall they be construed to govern, limit, modify, alter or in any other manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of any of the provisions of this code.
(Prior Code, § 1-106)
   (B)   Notes indicating sources of sections, giving other information or referring to statutes or to other parts of the code are inserted in this code, and may be inserted in changes to this code, for the convenience of persons using the code and shall have no legal effect.