(A)   The Common Council also wishes to express that the day-to-day stewardship of property (above and in selected instances below the capitalization threshold of $20,000) is the expressed responsibility of the head of the operating department utilizing the property.
   (B)   For maintenance of the capital asset accounting report, the various heads of the operating departments have the responsibility to report additions, retirements, and transfers in detail to the Clerk Treasurer. Details shall include such data elements as asset description, location, make, model, serial number, date of acquisition, cost, trade in, or disposal price received, and any other information that assists control or is deemed relevant.
   (C)   Further, these items below the capitalization threshold, but considered sensitive may include, but not limited to, weapons, radios, computers, printers, chain saws, small motor equipment, and powertools. These minor but sensitive items shall be the responsibility of the departments utilizing them.
(Ord. 10, 2022, passed 12-5-22)