§ 150.200 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPROVED. Approved by the Building Commissioner.
     BANNER. Any sign of a temporary nature, made of canvas or muslin, flat to the wall, and advertising displays of more than 100 square feet in area, erected and maintained on a wall of a building or buildings.
   BUILDING COMMISSIONER. The Building Commissioner of the city.
   ERECT. Erect, construct, maintain, rebuild, repair, relocate, or otherwise alter.
   GROUND SIGN. Any sign or advertising display erected for the purpose of displaying outdoor advertising by means of posters, pictures, pictorial or reading matter, when the sign or advertising display is supported and held by uprights, braces, or other structural members placed only in or upon the ground and not attached to any part of any building.
   PROJECTING SIGN or ILLUMINATED LIGHT. Any letter, word, model, sign, device, or representation used in the sign, device, or representation used in the nature of advertising, announcement, direction or illumination by electricity, and extending beyond the building line or the face of the wall of a building more than 18 inches. Projecting signs shall be divided for the purpose of this subchapter into the following classes:  
      (1)   PROJECTING SIGNS. Those signs affixed to the building wall or structure and which extend more than 18 inches from the face of the wall.
      (2)   FLAT ELECTRIC SIGNS.  Those signs attached in a rigid manner, lying parallel to and in the same plane as the wall and which extend more than 12 inches from the face of the wall.
   ROOF SIGN. Any sign erected upon the roof of any building.
   SIGN. Advertising displays, banners, ground signs, projecting signs, roof signs, and wall signs.
   WALL SIGN. Any sign, bulletin, or poster erected on or in a plane parallel with the facing of a building wall and may be affixed to the front, rear or side wall of any building.
(Ord. 29-1977, passed 10-17-77; Am. Ord. 2-1989, passed 5-15-89)