For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   PEDDLE and PEDDLER. Generally all phases of the term as commonly defined and understood and include all hawkers and itinerant dealers and persons who do not operate their businesses and sell their particular foods, such as produce, ice cream, sandwiches, and drinks, exclusively or regularly upon or from established and fixed places or locations, but who regularly operate their businesses by solicitation from house to house or place to place by traveling over public streets and ways on foot, in or on vehicles or with pushcarts carrying various foods they offer for direct sale or delivery to persons offering to buy. The definition shall also include those who purchase produce from other persons for reselling, in the manner defined herein, whether in the form or manner purchased, or those selling produce mixed, prepared, or diluted into other forms. However, this definition does not include or apply to traveling salesmen or manufacturers, jobbers, or wholesale dealers who take orders by sample, catalog, or otherwise, for future delivery to resident merchants or dealers of such articles, or purchased by buyers for resale.
('67 Code, § 113.01) (Ord. 7-1959, passed 6-1-59)