For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   “CURB.” A restraint or check. A concrete boarded or row of joined stones forming part of a gutter along the edge of a street. An enclosed framework. A raised margin along an edge to confine or strengthen.
   “DRIVEWAY APPROACH.” An impervious space located in an easement that connects a road to a driveway.
   “EASEMENT.” A right-of-way afforded to a person to make limited use of another’s real property.
   “LEAD WALK.” The walkway leading from a sidewalk to either a curb or street.
   “RIGHT-OF-WAY.” The right to pass over property owned by another person. The path or thoroughfare on which such passage is made. The strip of land over which facilities such as highways, railroads, or power lines are built. The legal or customary right of a person, vessel, or vehicle to pass in front of another.
   “ROAD.” An open, general public way for the passage of persons, vehicles, and animals. The surface of a road. A course or path. A railroad.
   “SIDEWALK.” A walk for pedestrians along the side of a road.
(Ord. 2, 2018, passed 4-2-18)