(A)   The monthly service rate charged to a subscriber shall not exceed $8.95 per month for a first outlet, plus an additional $2 per month for each additional outlet.
   (B)   The initial installation charges, or the installation charges for services reconnected after having been previously furnished and then disconnected, shall not exceed $24.75 aerial and $32 where underground facilities prevail, before the first installation or reconnection and $10 for each additional outlet if connected at the time of the original installation. However, installation charges for subscriber distribution systems of more than three outlets, aerial connections exceeding 200 feet and underground connections from aerial feeder or trunk lines shall be charged at the fair market value of the work.
   (C)   Installment of additional outlets which are installed after the original installation or after installation where service is reconnected after having been previously furnished and then disconnected shall not exceed the rate of $10 per installation, relocation, or reconnection. In like circumstances there shall be an installation fee of $10 for FM service.
(Ord. 2-1976, passed 8-2-76; Am Ord. 4-1978, passed 5-15-78; Am. Ord. 19-1982, passed 2-7-83; Am. Ord. 3-1993, passed 4-19-93)